WOW ! 8 years went fast .. lets review the OBAMA era!

everyone know you have to work 10times harder to be successful as an african american in american today just like before .  and even then the forst things they do is try to tear down your legacy …

but we will not forget..

nothings changed with the attitudes and hate they have bUT , but it was awesome to see another AFRICAN AMERICAN  hod it down , errorlessly.   << i made up a word based on u >>   and pretty much for 8 years.  GO HEAD BLACK MAN !!!

and Especially to see what we are going thru now , within the first 100 days of the TRUMP administration ? ?

i paste this here as a quote  ”

Barbara A. Perry, Director of Presidential Studies and Co-Chair of the Presidential Oral History Program at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center:

Obama’s most lasting policy legacy will be saving the American economy from the “Great Recession.” As he entered office, the U.S. financial structure was in free fall, nearly bringing the nation’s banking, investment and credit systems to a halt. The “misery index” (unemployment plus inflation rates) soared to almost 13% in 2009. President Obama righted the ship through a stimulus package (including infrastructure improvements), expanded relief of failing banks and investment firms, and the bailout of the American auto industry. The “misery index” has been cut in half (6.29%) as he completes his two terms, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which had sunk to 6,000 in 2009, is now just shy of 20,000.

Moreover, nothing can ever repeal the landmark election of Barack Obama as the nation’s first African American president. The dignity and grace that he and his family brought to the White House will constitute his most enduring legacy. “




job record 2016-OBAMA.jpg

these are NUMBERS …   this is not SPIN or flubb its FACT! and now its history in the books.

No , We will keep moving forward ! and we will remember what you did for America  and at time when things were bleakest!

nuff respect to you sir , nuff respect to President Obama!



Great work!  2008-2016 USA!




